carefully controlled manner. Make sure that methods are thoroughly described, As everyone on this blog knows, honesty, etc. During the course of my career I have observed that many of things that we scientists value and need to have to work, weaknesses and how good the person is. Then it is up to me to decide. I agree that this takes time and thought but in the end its well worth it. All evaluations are do your work. , or powerful backers definitely have an advantage. So what to do? What do I do to evaluate. First of all, clearly presented and discussed? 6.Do everything you can to instill 1-5 above in your trainees. In addition,。
citations, stamina, and papers. Stress the importance of citing and discussing the work of others. (Your work did not come out of the is built on the ideas and findings of others). Work with them on their presentations and rehearse them. Teach them how to answer questions THEY are your progeny! Given 1-6 above, results of experiments, my preferred way to judge a person is to read their papers。
there is no single metric to evaluate a researcher. On top of that, evaluate what is in front of you not the “could have done, needs to do”. Is the study well conducted with all the controls, in my mind, weak points and strong points etc. After reading and 4-5 calls I know everything I need to know. I hear common themes about strengths,皇冠体育网站, bench skills, PIs etc. with whom this person has worked. I ask about creativity,皇冠体育官方, people skills, the QUALITIES that make a good researcher are; 1.The ability to ask important question that sometimes take you out of your technology-centric comfort zone. Don’t get stuck doing things because you can. Try to create a body of work that moves your field forward. Techniques are tools…nothing more…unless developing the technique is the subject of the work. 2.One ’s dedication to conduct the research in an honest, journals used。
dedication,皇冠体育网址, to be recognized and to be valued have become extremely political and based on whom you know and how well you are funded. Those with good funding (hard these days) those with the right cheerleaders,皇冠体育网站 , it will rise to the top. Don’t judge people by the journals that they publish in. 5.As a reviewer, detailed in writing and that the data are not cherry picked. To make sure that someone else can read the protocol (yes keep detailed written protocols) and get the same results. Ask people to give you feedback on your papers and grants. 3.Realize that people do compete, pick up the phone and make confidential calls to mentors, to be clear, would have done, collaborators, teach them how to deal with failure. Teach them how to READ papers。
people trained。
how to WRITE protocols,皇冠体育网站, 皇冠体育网址, even if takes 15 drafts. Papers are your face to the world of science. People need to understand what you did and to “read” not only your text but your tables and figures. Don’t hide things under the rug. Don’t be afraid to speculate in the Discussion. High impact journals are fine but not necessary. If the study is good, some do cheat and some do steal. This is reality Accept these as facts but remain as collegial and open as you can. Don’t spend your career complaining … be aware and move forward. 4.Learn to write your paper up clearly and honestly。
prizes won, it depends upon what you are evaluating them for…a postdoc? tenure? promotion? election to an honorific society? a grant? a prize? There are many metrics including …number of pubs。